Back in the beginning of the 21st century, the web was a hopping playground of animation. Things flew in. Happy fun characters did happy fun things. And when applied tastefully and correctly, they were a welcome and useful addition to your online experience.
Then a bunch of industry stuff happened, and web animation became a causality of ever-changing web standards and practices. Today, animation on a website usually means little more than sliding or fading an image in. In 2018, we can do better than that.
Its time to make websites move again. Using HTML5, your website can have that extra entertaining zing or that creative interactive widget that makes your business or project stand out and show its personality.
Fenway Golf, the premiere source of mini-golf fun in Western Mass, needed their website redone. They’ve taken a liking to their animated ball mascot, and wanted the movement to continue on their new site. The end result is a navigation that populates the top portion with fun animation based on your selection, while keeping the base navigation available at all times (“Form follows functionality”, as they say). The mobile version scales down and adds/removes content for an optimized user experience. Throw in some fun spot animation on the main page for good measure, and you have yourself a site of Fenway Fun!
When you think dinosaurs, historic Deerfield Massachusetts isn’t usually the first, second, or even third thought that comes to mind (really, try it). But lo and behold, nestled between two local tourist attractions lies a stop where geology, gemstones, and education collide. With new ownership comes a site with a new look and interactive animation that shows some of the activities and sights you’ll see.